VL Countryside Meme – Mixi Degree

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Posted by: Luu Bao Phuong
Categories: Viral sayings,
Size: 130.93 KB (0.13 MB)
Format: mp3
Downloads: 23
Describe: The expression "hometown" is a vulgar phrase used in Vietnamese, often used to describe a condition or item that is considered very "countryside", that is, not modern, not popular, or does not conform to a certain standard. It is sometimes used to express surprise or surprise at a certain situation or information. This phrase can be controversial and inappropriate in some contexts.

Topic: Mixi Degree,Do Mixi said,

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Gwenchana Sound effects Iphone iPhone 7 iPhone 15 Iphone ringtone Ringtone The sound of tape Footstep Voice Moaning sound Train sound The sound of glass breaking Car sound Motorbike sound Car sound The sound of smashing Animal sounds Trend Vietnam Mixi Degree
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